Thursday, January 11, 2007

Telling the Food Police In Chicago To Foie Off

According to a report by the Associated Press this week, the ridiculous ban on foie gras in Chicago is being treated as such by restaurant owners, the Health Department, and even the mayor himself.

CHICAGO - Five months after the city ordered restaurants to stop selling foie gras, it's liver and let liver in Chicago.

While some fancy restaurants and gourmet shops no longer offer the goose or duck liver delicacy, others are flouting the ban, listing foie gras on their menus and, in one case, framing the city's warning letter.

Evoking Chicago's Prohibition-era past, when a password could gain entry into a speakeasy, at least one restaurant is rumored to be serving foie gras to customers who ask for the "special lobster" dish.

And one place has cleverly skirted the ban by offering foie gras as a complimentary item. (The city ordinance bans the SALE of foie gras.)

The city has sent out but a smattering of warning letters, conducted one inspection and has yet to levy its first fine, making it clear that is has little stomach for sniffing out violators of the nation's first ban on foie gras.

"We need to focus as much as possible on things that actually make people sick and kill people," said Health Department spokesman Tim Hadac. "Our mission is to protect human health and not the health of geese and ducks."

Hadac called the ban the department's lowest priority.

Foie gras was banned in Chicago because of what animal rights activists say is the inhumane way geese and ducks are force-fed to plump up their livers. The penalty: a fine of at least $250. Mayor Richard Daley has called it the "silliest" ordinance the City Council has ever passed. And many restaurants have acted accordingly.

At one business, the owner has treated his warning letter as if it were from a celebrity praising a great meal. "I did frame the letter and put it up on the sales counter," said Doug Sohn, owner of Hot Doug's, a gourmet sausage store.

Keep reading...


Rachel Rubin said...

I'm from Chicago. Some of the finest restaurants there used to serve Fois Gras. That was a treat!

Gayle Miller said...

I've never had foie gras - but I still resent like the devil ANYBODY telling me "for my own good" what I can and cannot eat! I'll eat what I doggone well please.

And just a word to those self-satisfied do-gooders - the French have been eating it for years and seem to have few problems with it. Maybe you should just myob!

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